When so many names of the location of Willy Wonka are available, why not find about them in detail? Here’s a lot of information on where was Willy Wonka filmed! The important locations of the movie are Nördlingen, Stadtwerke Munchen, Bavaria Studios, Toblerone Chocolate Factory, Lilienstraße & Riggauerweg, Regierung von Oberbayern, Gebsattelstraße & Am Herrgottseck, Quellenstraße, and many more.
The shooting of Willy Wonka took place at various locations in Germany and Switzerland. In the middle of the journey, Charlie and his grandfather encounter a disaster. But the factory is unlike the conventional chocolate factory and is full of magical twists. And the journey starts when Charlie gets a golden ticket. Interestingly, both embark on a journey to explore an eccentric chocolate factory. Willy Wonka (1971) is a fantasy movie featuring Charlie and his grandfather.
Read the complete article to know all about where was Willy Wonka filmed! Yes, you can locate all the filming locations with the help of this article. I have brought you the filming locations of Willy Wonka, an all-time favorite fantasy movie. Hey, Winky Wonka fans! Here’s some good news for you.